I am often told that people are "sorry" about Elly's medical condition. That a "child shouldn't have to go through that" or that they hate to see a child "suffer" or even it must be hard to watch my child "go through all of that". They may be trying to be nice or maybe they don't understand, but I can't stand it! I even hate when I tell people about her Trach and medical needs and they say they are sorry or "I'm so sorry to hear that". Ummm what are you sorry for that my daughter is able to breath, that I can suction the junk out of her so that she can breath better, or that she's a HAPPY child who is THRIVING and GROWING into an amazing little girl? Don't be sorry for her, cheer her on, applaud her, or learn something from her because she is amazing! She has fought battles that most adults never have or never will! She came into this world fighting and hasn't stopped. She's won the battles she's fought so far and probably has more to come but she's strong and stubborn enough to not back down! She will always have me as her #1 fan and a cheering section of many, many people! She has already made a difference in this world in her 8 years and I can't wait to see what she does in the future! She is my world, my inspiration, my hero, and my heart!